Shop Tempting Cat Treats for Purrfect Bites
Cats are independent by nature. Pet parents need to put in efforts to build and maintain a good bond with their furballs. That’s where cat treats come to your rescue. Feeding delicious treats to your beloved feline companion is a way of showing your affection for them. Additionally, treats are helpful for rewarding cats during training and appreciating good behaviour.
When given in moderate proportion, cat treats are a healthy and fun addition to your fur baby’s regular diet. We, at VetSupply, love your cats just the way you do and bring to you a scrumptious collection of the best cat treats to help you make your bonding time tempting and joyful. Shop from our tasty cat treats range, and your kitty will surely love it.
Spoil Your Cat with Our Tasty Cat Treat Options
Your whiskered friend truly deserves something special. From creamy cat snacks to healthy cat treats, VetSupply brings you the best variety of treats to suit every cat’s taste and dietary needs. So, allow them to indulge in their favourite flavours and let their taste buds tickle!
Cat Dental Treats for Sparkling Smiles
Dental care is an essential part of your cat’s health care. Cat dental treats like Bell & Bone Dental Bites support your cat’s dental health, as they prevent plaque buildup, reduce tartar, and freshen breath, making your feline’s snack time beneficial for their teeth and gums.
Healthy Treats for Cat Wellness
We carry cat snacks that offer great taste and multiple health benefits for your cat! Look for treats that promote your cat’s health, such as high-protein, low-fat options. Treats like Trouble & Trix Salmon Fillet Treats for Cats are perfect for snacking while supporting their overall health.
Catnip-Infused Treats for Extra Fun
Catnip treats are a fantastic way to delight your kitty and provide some fun. These treats encourage playful behaviour while stimulating your cat’s senses. Catnip treats like Greenies Feline Catnip Flavour Cat Treats is an excellent choice for a naturally enriching experience.
Treats for Cats with Food Sensitivities or Allergies
If your cat has food sensitivities or allergies, it’s essential to choose treats that cater to their needs. We carry single protein treats like Prime Pantry Single Protein Kangaroo Treats to keep your cat safe and purring.
Creamy & Lickable Treats for Taste in Every Lick
Make your cat’s day better by providing them with creamy treats to indulge in! Lickable cat treat options like YumGuard Puree Star Treats for Cats can satisfy your kitty’s snack cravings with every lick.
Calming Treats for a Wave of Relaxation
If your cat shows stress-related behaviours, promote the feelings of calmness with cat anxiety relief treats. Choose calming treats like Happy Snack by Feliway to compliment your cat’s daily calming routine.
Shop Delicious Treats for Cats at Unbeatable Prices!
Discover the whole bunch of mouth-watering cat treats available at VetSupply. Take advantage of our attractive prices and order all that make your feline companion purr with joy. Treat them to something special and watch the love for you double up in their eyes!
Common Questions Regarding Cat Treats
- What treats are actually good for cats?
Treats that bring health benefits along with taste and pleasure are good for cats. Look for treats that are nutrient-rich and free from salt, sugar, and preservatives. Go for special treats like cat dental treats that improve oral health, aid in digestion, help regain appetite, etc., as per your cat’s health requirements. Natural and nutritious homemade cat snacks are also a healthy addition to your cat’s daily food intake.
- What are the best cat treat brands?
There are plenty of delectable and nutritious cat treat options offered by various popular and trusted brands. Some of the top cat treat brands are Greenies, Temptations, Applaws, Inaba Churu, Bell & Bone, Kiwi Kitchens, Gunni’s, Trouble & Trix, The Paw Grocer, Prime Pantry Nibbles, and YumGuard.
- Can I give my cat human food as treats?
While some human foods like cooked chicken or fish can be safe in moderation, it's best to stick to treats specifically labelled for cats. They provide the proper nutrients and ensure your cat’s health and safety.
- Are cat treats good for my cat's health?
Yes, if you choose treats that are nutritious and beneficial for your cat, they can support health, dental care, and overall well-being. Always check the ingredients to ensure they meet your cat’s dietary needs.
- How often should I give my cat treats?
It’s easy to fall for those pleading eyes, but treats should be given in moderation. Overfeeding cat snacks can lead to obesity and other health problems. A few nutritious treats per day as a reward or for training is usually sufficient. Do not offer them as a replacement for the main meal.